This is an exclusive one-to-one call. 

What can you expect from our call?

This will be a one hour call via zoom to discuss your goals and needs. During our call, I’ll be able to answer any questions you may have about your current fitness routine, nutrition plan, and overall lifestyle. We can also discuss challenges and setbacks you’ve previously faced, and action plan to help you navigate them for when they raise their head again.

Additionally, I’ll be able to provide you with valuable feedback that you require. I’ll also be able to suggest modifications to your overall approach.

You will receive personalised guidance during our one hour call. You will also receive a detailed questionnaire to fill out beforehand so I can get a real sense of how I can help you best during the call.

Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level with personalised guidance and support from an experienced online personal trainer? Book your one-to-one call now and start achieving the results you desire.


You Need Clarity

You don’t feel like you need monthly 1:1 coaching and guidance but you would love to discuss your barriers and get advice on how to move forward. This one hour call is perfect for you.

You Need Specificity

You have specific questions and curiosities you think I could help with from my years of coaching. Questions that Google just cannot answer for you.

You Need Support

You’re interested in taking a different path towards weight loss. You need someone to run the ideas past and provide a framework to ensure you have a solid foundation to start from.

You Need Advice

You want professional and clear guidance from one of the fitness industry’s good guys. Leave our call with an abundance of confidence, ready to embrace change.


This investment is €75. Click on the button below to pay for and schedule your Deep Dive Call. I’m excited to chat!

Don’t be afraid to reach out if you have any questions. I’ll never sell you anything I do not think you’re right for and I am always happy to have a chat. You can get me on my contact form.